Lesson 9, Topic 1
In Progress

Issues & Contemplation: Root Chakra Copy

1. Root Chakra Issues

2. Contemplation


To write in your online journal for contemplation, click the “Take Notes” button.
(To access all your notes, click on the “My Notes” link on the left navigation panel. You will be able to edit, download and print all your notes.)

  • When it comes to the root chakra, the focus is on the manifestation of material reality. You may be too attached or detached to material things. In what ways is that true for you?
  • Look at your daily routine in terms of activities; are they what you are truly pursing or are they just means to your ends?
  • Other than material things, what other things are important to you?
  • How often do you feel you are a victim of your circumstances?

You can also use the journal sheet for Contemplation (available in Introduction to Module 2).


What issues resonate with you? Please go to discussion board and share your thoughts or insight.

Workbook – Reflection